Use a plate (45/25) for the run. Not enough plates? Use dumbbells, med balls, etc. Worst case scenario, just run 400m.
Use an appropriate scaling option or substitution for a movement you aren’t able to do.
Remember, this tragedy was one team going to provide assistance to another team; a partner WOD will force the athletes to work as a team and feed off of each other’s intensity.
Please don’t rely on the gym where you are going to provide you with one; try to find a partner prior to going. In the event that you cannot find a partner the gym will do its best to accommodate you. However, please recognize that the gym has a significant amount of work to do, and if you come without a partner you are contributing to the workload. Should you have no partner and are doing this alone in your garage gym, you can do the WOD as an individual just run a 400 at the completion of the box jumps.
This is totally up to you. It is 100% scaleable. We’ve given you some equipment scaling options above, but beyond that it is up to you how you scale. We are not your coaches and know nothing of your fitness capabilities. We are simply CrossFitters that put together a WOD to honor our heroes. How you adjust this WOD to your capabilities is up to you.
Before moving forward, remember, our intent here is to honor these heroes that have paid the ultimate sacrifice and provide their families with any relief we can through this fundraiser. As a community, we are all honored to see how many of you have stepped up to answer the call, whether in your gyms or in your garage, it makes us proud to be CrossFitters, as you all should be as well. Then if you are still upset: stand up out of your chair and give thanks that you are here and have the freedom to complain if you wish.

A quick reminder: By fundraising for this event, you are not required to do this WOD. If you are not comfortable with these movements, don’t do it! Find another activity that you love & do it in honor of these heroes. While this fundraiser may be centered around fitness, the true intent is to bring a community together by all participating in activities we love on the same day to honor our fallen heroes and raise money for their families. Let’s get after it!